
What is Cosmetic

Is the materials and the methods used to enhance oral health and dental appearance.

Nowadays, thanks to the advanced technics and materials dentists can restore the teeth, gum and mouth health in many easy ways and design a perfect, durable and symmetric smile.

The modern methods succeeded in preserving the natural teeth, bone and gum. On contrary, the old ways depend mostly on extractions and on carving the most of the tooth.

The most modern technic most of people look for is Hollywood smile in Turkey or smile makeover using dental implants to restore the roots and zirconia crown to restore the visible part of the teeth, or the veneers to cover the visible part of the tooth in order to cover the stains or the misshaped teeth.

What Are the Advantages of Cosmetic Dentistry?

cosmetic dental treatment in Turkey focus to improve dental aesthetics such as alignment, color, position, size, shape of teeth generally, although the main benefits of cosmetic dentistry is:

  • strengthen teeth and prevent future problems.
  • Solve various dental problems like cracked, gaps, stained teeth;

Fixing decayed, cracked or misaligned teeth help to improve your eating and digesting and makes you look younger.

  • Make the patient gains self-confidence and boosts self-esteem.
  • Restore, preserve the bone of jaws, and treat the gums illnesses.

What are the Types of Cosmetic Dentistry in Turkey?

  • Teeth Whitening:

For some patients, having white natural teeth can be achieved just with teeth whitening treatment, teeth naturally getting darken with age or using tobacco products and the consumption of certain foods or drinks which leave dark stains on the surface of the teeth.

To go through this dental treatment, you need first to have a consultation with the dentist to determine the reason of discolorations and to find out whether this treatment will give the desired results.

Some stains or discoloration happened after taking some medication, fractures, or canal treatment, in this case the doctor will use another method to bleach the teeth.

The most bleaching products are peroxide-based which will be applied by dentist on the teeth and expose it on heat or light of laser in results the teeth be whiter 1-3 shades.

In order to go through whitening procedure, the doctor will take in consideration that:

    • the patient has a healthy teeth and gum.
    • all the needed restorations have been done already.
    • Also, a cleaning must be done before starting the whitening procedure.

Steps of Teeth Whitening:

    • Protect gum with the blue shield
    • Apply bleaching product on teeth.
    • Apply a light-in MERTERDENT CLINIC-TURKEY we prefer laser- in order to get the best result in short time because it makes the product go deep in the teeth.
    • The most important point in this method is the choosing the product; that s why our doctor makes sure to use the best product available in the market.

Hollywood Smile:

Hollywood smile in Turkey is a total smile makeover involves complete reconstruction using zirconia crowns, veneers by placing it on all the teeth or at least on all the visible teeth to achieve brightly bleaches teeth as Hollywood celebrities, in some cases the dentist introduce the implants to the patient if he had several missing teeth to build a strong base which can help to restore the full teeth and give an intact smile.

After your visit to the dentist, you will have a chat to choose the shape and the color of teeth.

For Hollywood smile there is four shades on the scale of 1-4 for the zirconia crown and it hard to distinguish between them, if you want Hollywood smile you need to choose bleach white if you want natural appearance, you can choose others shades.

Hollywood Smile Using Zirconia Crown:

Zirconia crown in Turkey is a cover to the entire visible part of the teeth which is made of zirconium oxide which is a strong, durable type of ceramic material.

Using zirconia crown is worldwide because of its advantages:

      • In addition of its strength and durability, it is used because of its biocompatibility which means it is less likely to provoke the body into producing a reaction or immunological response like inflammation or smell.
      • Zirconia crown is the first choice, because of its transparency, natural appearance.
      • Zirconia crown is used to cover tooth or dental implant or to replace a missing tooth by using a bridge which contains few crowns in order to perfectly restore the smile.
      • Zirconia crown can be used as a way to support broken, weak, or misshapen tooth.
      • Zirconia structures used for dental purposes are fabricated using CAD-CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) technology which lead to ideal shape of the tooth.

Starting this treatment will be under local anesthesia by removing the outer layer of tooth, and take the impression of it.

Until the zirconia crown is prepared, a temporary crown is placed.

Using CAD-CAM technology, the zirconia crown will be made and then? It will be fixed by your dentist on the abutment or the tooth with a special dental cement.

Hollywood Smile Using E-Max:

E-MAX crowns are made from lithium desilicated ceramic, a material that has been harvested for its translucent color and durability.

This dental restoration can be done in two forms; the first form is using E-Max crowns, the second is by using E-Max veneers.

Hollywood Smile Using E-Max Crowns:

It is crowns made with E-max, the same procedure and advantages of zirconia crown the only difference is E-max crown is more translucent than Zirconia crown. The translucency of E-max crowns allows in more light which give more bright and aesthetic appearance.

Hollywood Smile Using E-MAX Veneers:

Problems of discoloration or shape can be solved by veneers, which is high-quality, durable, thin tooth shaped shells made by E-MAX, places on the natural teeth to create a perfect, symmetric, natural appearance.

Hollywood Smile can be achievable using veneers which is the least invasive procedure when the patient’s teeth are generally of sound quality, including the chipped ones, or having fillings or yellow coloring. However, some patients are unaware that their teeth are not healthy enough, or properly aligned, or sufficient in number to wear veneers. The requirement is that all teeth including molars are present and that they are properly laid out.

Bonding Teeth:

Dental bonding is a procedure in a tooth-colored resin material is bonded to the teeth. This procedure is used to repair teeth, change their shape or close gaps between them-Diastema-.

This method of dental treatment takes 2-5 minutes to be done without any pain and without damaging the tooth, in case, the patient changes his mind, the dentist can take it off without any problems.

Gummy Smile:

The gummy smile can be caused by aging, gum diseases like gingivitis, bacterial infections or gum injury, which cause overgrowth of gum tissue that must be trimmed off.

In this case, often, the dentist performs Gingivectomy which is gum contouring to shape the spots where tissue extends lower than others, resulting in a straighter, more symmetrical smile.

Gingivectomy is done by using laser tool to cut away pieces of gum tissue. This is called soft tissue incision. Lasers are more precise and allow faster healing. the cauterization due to the heat of the laser, lead to lower risk of infections from contaminated metal tools.

Gingivectomy is usually done before gum disease has damaged the bone supporting your teeth.

All the previous treatments are cosmetic dental treatments to enhance and protect the teeth, although there are some other factors like the shape of lips or the surrounding muscles of mouth which play an enormous role to show the smile. Luckily, in MERTERDENT CLINIC in Turkey our doctors can use Botox and/or Filler to create a symmetric faultless smile.

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Dental Office

Contact our office and we will contact you back regarding the intervention you require.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why using of zirconium for dental crowns?
    Zirconium is strong material, near to natural teeth (no appearance for dark area between teeth and gum),and more esthetic.
    Is there any better material can be used for dental crowns rather than zirconium?

    Crowns and veneers made of E-Max give more esthetics appearance than zirconium.

    How long i can use zirconium crowns?

    If the patient provides good care, it can last more than 10 years.

    Can I be allergic to zirconia crowns?

    Allergic reaction to zirconia crowns is rare.

    How much the dentist will cut my teeth to place zirconia crown?

    Zirconia crown is thin and strong,thanks to CAD-CAM system,the crown is ideal, thin machine made.

    Is it better for me to change my metal-porcelain crowns with zirconia crowns?

    Definitely, within the time, the metal porcelain affects the gum receding it gives metallic taste in the mouth.

    What is the average price for a zirconia crown?

    Zirconia crowns, cost more than other types of dental crowns, such as ceramic, metal, and porcelain.the geographic location of your dentist affect the cost. Turkey is the best destination for reasonable prices.

    Patients' Experiences
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